Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Christmas in July

Thanks to Nikki for the terrific flyer!!

Dear Parents,

The fundraising committee will be holding a raffle at the beginning of Term 3 for 

“Christmas in July” 

To make this raffle a success, we need your help!

We would appreciate any donations of non perishable food items or Christmas related products in order for us to make up hampers for prizes. 
Any donations can either be given to a fundraising representative at your appropriate ballet class or left in the basket at the door near the name badges at any time during Term 2. 

The representatives for your classes are as follows:

Baby Ballet (Wed)                  -           Julie Anderson
Kinder Ballet (Fri)                   -           Nikki Inwood
Bubby Ballet (Sat)                  -           Belinda Thackray
Baby/Grade 1/Jazz (Sat)        -           Kristy Clarke, Joanna Henderson or Julie Anderson     
If you have any other fundraising ideas for the committee or can assist us in any other way, please come and talk to one of us. 

The Fundraising Committee